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Online Prayers - Nepal

Mon, 27 Jun



Join us for 30 minutes online to hear directly from our international frontline healthcare partners and EMMS International team and to pray for people facing sickness and poverty.

Online Prayers - Nepal
Online Prayers - Nepal

Time & Location

27 Jun 2022, 12:30 – 13:00


About the Event

 Please join us for 30 minutes online to pray for Nepal

We deeply value this chance to gather together with you online to pray.  

Monday 27th JuneDate:

12.30pm – 1pm (Please note we are trialling a new start time, your feedback on this time would be most helpful) Timing:

Please complete the sign-up form below to book your place. A zoom link for the event will be sent to you. How to book:

All our online prayer events are free.  Cost:

 About our online prayers

Our online prayers are a chance to gather together online, hear updates from our international partners and the EMMS team, and pray for health and hope. Join us to pray for the work of our partners on the frontline caring for people tackling healthcare inequalities to break the cycle of sickness and poverty.

  How often will EMMS International be holding online prayers?

Our online prayers will take place every quarter – March, June, September and December.  

 Will I need to pray out loud in front of other people at the online prayers?

No. You will not need to pray out loud if you do not feel comfortable doing so. There may be some written call and response prayers, and we may invite participants to read out the responses together, but you can remain silent or mute your microphone if you prefer to do so.  However, please do let us know if you would like to lead a prayer or share prayer points in advance of the next meeting.


 Do I need to bring anything?

You do not need to bring anything, but if you like you could bring a cuppa and a bible.  

 Are there other ways I can pray with EMMS International?

Thank you, your prayers make such a difference to our work. Please check out our which contain a brief summary of key items for prayer and praise.latest prayer updates

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EMMS International, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY

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