Publications | EMMS International
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Latest Publication
Impact Report 2022/23

This year's annual Impact Report is out now. It is filled with stories of how your generosity is making a difference in Scotland, Malawi, India and Nepal.

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The Global News

Read the latest news from beyond the UK from EMMS International.


Corporate Partnership Portfolio

Explore how a partnership with EMMS International could help transform lives and your business.

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Impact Report

The Impact Report is produced in late summer each year and shows the huge difference your support makes in the lives of others.

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Gifts in Wills Brochure

Find out more about remembering the work of EMMS International in your will.


Healing Hand

Healing Hand is the magazine of EMMS International. Read how our projects are changing lives around the globe.

Other Publications

Availability and Affordability of Essential Palliative Care Medicines in Nepal: A Cross-Sectional Study

Rajeev Shrestha BPharm, Bruce Hayes MPH&TM, Arjun Poudel PhD, Daniel Munday PhD, May 2024

Implementation of a 3-phase grid-coupled solar electricity and back-up system at Mulanje Mission Hospital, Malawi

Arie C Glas, Michael J Cocquyt and Cathy Ratcliff, April 2024

An Evaluation of the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society's Contribution to Promoting Women's Role in Missionary Healthcare

J. Anthony Andrew, July 2022

An Evaluation of the Work of the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society, 1841-2011

J. Anthony Andrew, April 2018


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EMMS International, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY

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