EMMS International's Global Women in Healthcare Awards 2025, held in association with the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, will celebrate the global impact of women working in healthcare.
EMMS strives to promote equality and opportunity. Our Healthcare Career Pathways supports vulnerable women into vital roles in healthcare. They undertake medical degrees, BScs in Nursing and other healthcare subjects, and career development courses ranging from laboratory medical technology to palliative care.
The Awards recognise the value of women in all roles who contribute to better health within their communities and beyond, and celebrate professionals who are dedicated to their work in health and healthcare and strive for excellence. The winners will be announced at the Global Women in Healthcare Awards at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh on Thursday 19th June 2025.
Award Categories
Please read more about each category and make your nominations by clicking on the links below. The deadline for nominations is International Women's Day on 8th March 2025.
Health Tech Award
Championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Celebrating the work of a longstanding member of the healthcare profession.
Sustainable Healthcare Award
Championing sustainable healthcare solutions to reduce reliance on harmful resources.
EMMS International is dedicated to improving healthcare in the most hard-to-reach areas in Nepal, Malawi, India, Rwanda, Zambia and Scotland. By supporting women within those communities to gain healthcare qualifications, we are reducing the impact of sex inequality while promoting academic study and developing sustainable care for the most vulnerable families. We have supported women to enter the healthcare profession and celebrated medical excellence for over a century.
The countries in which we work face critical shortages of health workers. According to World Bank data, the number of nurses/midwives per 1,000 patients in the UK is 10.3. By contrast it is only 0.4 in Malawi, 3.3 in Nepal, and 2.4 in India. One of the best ways we can remain focused on women’s health, equality and opportunity, is by increasing the number of women, and in particular financially vulnerable women, in healthcare leadership positions.
"The financial value of women’s input into (global) health systems is estimated to be over US $3 trillion annually. Yet women’s contributions to health and the health labour market remain markedly undervalued. Women in health tend to be clustered into lower status, low paid, and often unpaid roles. Sustainable development needs to better value women’s contributions to population’s physical, social and mental wellbeing... Gender equity is key to building resilient health systems and gender transformative health and social care policies are key to achieving gender equality globally."
- World Health Organisation
Our Healthcare Career Pathways build and sustain a dedicated and highly-educated healthcare workforce. They make use of our unique international partnerships and expert knowledge of healthcare systems in hard-to-reach communities to identify specific gaps in local health work forces.​

Sponsoring the Global Women in Healthcare Awards
​​By sponsoring our awards, you will be aligning with Scotland’s longest-serving, internationally respected, healthcare charity while championing women who are dedicated to a career in the medical field. Our awards celebrate women's achievements, recognise their contribution to global healthcare and highlight the importance of supporting medical academic study across all communities.​

The Global Women in Healthcare Awards 2024​
Dr. Elsie Inglis Award
Sponsored by Edinburgh College
Presented by Prof Angela Thomas OBE
Winner: Dr. Kate Womersley
Recognised for her work to drive the adoption of a new minimum standard for inclusion of sex and gender in science, changing the face of medical and social research in the UK.
A doctor in Psychiatry, Dr Womersley writes about medicine, gender and women’s health. Her research aims to improve sex and gender equity in biomedical research, funded by the Wellcome Trust.
Runner-Up: Dr. Amina Khan
Recognised for her pioneering breast conserving surgeries in Pakistan.
Dr. Khan is Surgical Oncologist at the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre in Lahore, Pakistan.

Dr. Kate Womersley

Rising Star Award
Sponsored by Johnston Mailing
Presented by Dr. Kerri Baker FRCP Edin
Winner: Dr Maneh Gizhlaryan
Recognised for her work in paediatric haematology and stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in Armenia, benefiting current patients and inspiring other young women to enter medicine, science and academia.
Dr. Gizhlaryan is a Paediatric Haemato-Oncologist at the Paediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Centre of Armenia, Yeolyan Haematology and Oncology Centre.
Runner-Up: Dr Liana Romaniuk
Recognised for her efforts in caring for children and young people with mental illness. She is a driving force in expanding the knowledge and understanding of how these disorders develop and can be characterised, generating the prospect of tailored treatments.
Dr Romaniuk is Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Melville Unit, Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, and Edinburgh Senior Clinical Lecturer in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh.
Dr. Liana Romaniuk &
Dr. Kerri Baker
Outstanding Leader Award
Sponsored by Hilary Barnes Graphic Design
Presented by Prof Angela Thomas OBE
Winner: Dr. Mumtaz Patel
Awarded for her work in undergraduate and postgraduate medical training to support physicians to fulfil their full potential, promoting leadership and the delivery of patient-centered care.
Dr Patel is Consultant Nephrologist at Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Postgraduate Associate Dean at Health Education England North-West; Director of Conduct and Progress at the School of Medicine, University of Liverpool; and Vice President, Education and Training, at Royal College of Physicians.
Runner-Up: Dr. Vandana Kanth
Recognised for her work to sponsor and mentor vulnerable young women, who are at risk of early marriage, into college, through their studies and into their first jobs in a hospital.
Dr Kanth is EHA Project Leader at Duncan Hospital in Bihar, India, working as a doctor and Assistant Professor of Public Health.

Prof Angela Thomas OBE & Dr. Mumtaz Patel
Health Tech Award
Sponsored by The Mackay Clinic
Presented by Prof Gordon Mackay
Winner: Charlotte Casebourne Stock and Margaret Duffy
Awarded for their work in the oncolytic viral therapy field to benefit cancer patients.
Charlotte Casebourne Stock is Co-Founder and CEO, and Margaret Duffy is Co-Founder and CSO at Theolytics, a pre-clinical stage biotechnology company developing next-generation oncolytic viral therapies.
Runner-Up: Dr. Maria Karvela
Recognised for her work to develop a digital genetic testing service that provides users with tailored food and health recommendations based on their DNA.
Dr Karvela is CSO & Co-Founder at DnaNudge, the developer of the world’s first service to use consumers’ own DNA plus lifestyle factors to nudge people towards healthier choices while shopping.

Dr. Maria Karvela