Who we are
EMMS International is Scotland's longest-serving international healthcare charity. Since 1841, from our base in Scotland, we have set out to heal the sick in some of the poorest communities in the world. We work with overseas partners (currently in Scotland, Malawi, Nepal and India) to improve health and healthcare particularly for hard-to-reach people. We:
Tackle inequalities for people held back by sickness and poverty by strengthening healthcare systems
Support women from resource-poor families into healthcare careers
Develop palliative care provision for families struggling with life-limiting illness
Support projects to reduce the impact of disease
Respond to health emergencies
We take a multi-faceted approach, developing healthcare resources via education, improving infrastructure and the environment, tackling inequalities and discrimination based on matters such as age, disability, sex, religion or belief, and so empowering the vulnerable.
We help families in countries challenged by poverty and disease to gain access to a range of healthcare services, and help break the cycle of poverty and injustice by creating sustainable healthcare solutions with our partners. We stand with some of the most vulnerable in society to promote justice, giving them power over their own lives by providing them with an education to earn a living, whilst creating a stronger health service which helps protect their local environments.
We give not only hope for the future, but real, tangible, sustainable change.
Our policies and standards
Click to read or download our:
Anti-Fraud, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Money-Laundering Policy
Data Protection and Privacy Policies
Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy